
Questions from the Apple Giveaway

Thanks to all of you who sent in questions to America’s Table this month – there were hundreds!  Many of the questions were about apples, and I’d like to try to briefly answer as many of those as I can. The best apples for baking are those that don’t disintegrate during cooking, and that have a balance of sweetness and tartness.  My favorite eating apple is a McIntosh, with its white interior and shiny red-and-green peel, but it is not […]


So Others Might Eat

Sometimes, while caught up in the beauty and creativity of cooking and entertaining, it’s easy to forget that not everyone can buy whatever they want to eat, or throw a party without giving a thought to whether they can afford it. Even when I was growing up and our family means were modest, we never lacked for food. One of the advantages of living on a farm was that we could grow enough vegetables to feed ourselves, and my father […]


Mini Caramel Apples

One of my favorite foods has always been a perfect caramel apple. The crunch of a tart apple underneath velvety caramel, studded with crushed peanuts – it’s a flavor combination for the ages. Another thing I love is little food. Any entrée-sized portion that can be served in a single mouthful is always preferable to me for some strange reason – perhaps from my days playing with my girls’ dollhouses and having American Girl Doll-sized tea parties, when anything in […]