Peach Pine Nut Tart

Peach Pine Nut Tart

What would the summer be without peaches – those rich, golden orbs of luscious sweetness that spread sunshine with every juicy bite? Finding new ways to appreciate the peach is always a pleasure, and I particularly like this recipe because the filling provides a perfect showcase for the true flavor of a peach: slightly acidic, gently fragrant, and smooth on the tongue.  The pine nuts give texture and substance to the filling, and the crust is just plain perfect.

Peach Pine Nut Tart

This recipe is adapted from a great cookbook, “The Cheesemonger’s Seasons,” by Chester Hastings, whose knowledge and appreciation of cheese knows no bounds.  He pairs the peach pine nut tart with a triple cream cheese, which is elegant, sophisticated, and, in my opinion, strictly optional (because the tart stands so beautifully on its own). Many baked peach desserts are overly sweet and mushy, but this tart illustrates the concept that less is more.  This truly exemplifies peach flavor, with no extraneous sugar or pureed fruit.  It’s a pure, minimalist ending to an elegant meal.
Peach Pine Nut Tart

Peach Pine Nut Tart

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