HONEY SPICE CAKE on Americas-Table.com

Honey Spice Cake

Honey and spice are two ingredients that are meant to be together, like medieval star-crossed lovers. Arthur and Guinevere, or Tristan and Isolde –  a legendary romance, yet the combination never quite works in reality. Honey is a sweet but subtle flavor that is easily overwhelmed by spicy ingredients like ginger, cloves, and nutmeg. That’s why the honey is not mixed into the cake, but drizzled on top of it, to give the perfect spicy-sweet marriage in a fragrant loaf […]

Mustard Sage Pork Shoulder on Americas-Table.com

Mustard Sage Pork Shoulder

There’s something so satisfying about a tender cut of pork, redolent, juicy, and hot out of the oven. This recipe delivers on all the deep, rich flavors of fall – sage, mustard and a hint of marjoram to keep things interesting. Spoon these scrumptious morsels into a bowl over mashed potatoes or turnips, drizzle a little of the pan juices on top, and settle back on the couch to watch that favorite TV show you’ve been looking forward to all […]

ROSEMARY SHORTBREAD on Americas-Table.com

Rosemary Shortbread

We have some dear British friends spending the Thanksgiving holiday with us, so there has to be tea – at least once. We’re not home for the holidays this year, so my plan is to keep things simple – recipes with just a few ingredients, using the most basic cookware. I don’t want to miss out on the fun, so the recipes need to be fast and easy. This shortbread meets all the requirements. It’s a sweet and savory treat […]


Butternut Squash and Apple Soup

Some of my best White House food memories are about soup. It made the perfect first course at so many meals, especially in the fall and winter, served in delicate two-handled soup bowls of White House china. It wasn’t meant to fill guests up; it was just enough of a delicious mélange of flavors to whet the appetite and let guests know that they were in for a genuine gastronomic experience. When the Bush’s hosted dinners in their family dining […]