
Cell Phone Etiquette

The word ‘etiquette’ in French means ‘label,’ which is appropriate because nothing labels us like our personal behavior.  Every time a new piece of technology becomes available to the general public, etiquette has to be created to cope with it.  There’s no point in bemoaning technological changes; they’re going to happen no matter what we may think of them, so it’s important to develop practical rules for how to use cellphones and other social media platforms in a way that […]


Maryland Blue Crab Cakes with Summer Succotash Salad

Today!  A Recipe from White House Executive Chef Cris Comerford I’m delighted to share a recipe from my friend Cris Comerford, the quiet force behind the amazing food in the White House kitchen since 2005.  Cris is the first woman to serve as Executive Chef at the White House, where she has worked since 1995, mastering the intricacies of planning, shopping, cooking, and presenting thousands of beautiful meals to the President, his family, and his guests each year. Cris has […]


Wedding Gifts

People seem to have anxiety about giving wedding gifts, and rightfully so.  I was shocked to read on one wedding website that the average amount of money spent on a wedding gift is well over $100.  This has to be a dilemma for young people whose friends are getting married in droves; a young woman I know has been invited to thirteen weddings this year!  How is she supposed to pay her rent and still buy 13 wedding gifts? This […]